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Hati Yang Terluka - Broery Marantika

Written By Unknown on Friday, 7 June 2013 | 10:41

Orang-orang yang sukses hidup dengan lengkap. Mereka bahagia dan penuh rasa syukur dan cinta terhadap segala sesuatu dalam kehidupan mereka.

Mereka sudah menemukan tujuan hidup mereka dan menunaikan misi mereka di dunia ini dengan baik, sehingga dunia ini menjadi tempat yang lebih baik dari pada ketika mereka belum datang.

Dunia menjadi lebih baik karena orang-orang yang sukses ini selalu melihat potensi terbaik dalam diri semua manusia di sekitar mereka, dan mereka selalu memberikan yang terbaik pula yang mereka punya kepada dunia
10:41 | 0 comments | Read More

DEWI YULL - Jangan Ada Dusta Diantara Kita

Orang-orang yang sukses hidup dengan lengkap. Mereka bahagia dan penuh rasa syukur dan cinta terhadap segala sesuatu dalam kehidupan mereka.

Mereka sudah menemukan tujuan hidup mereka dan menunaikan misi mereka di dunia ini dengan baik, sehingga dunia ini menjadi tempat yang lebih baik dari pada ketika mereka belum datang.

Dunia menjadi lebih baik karena orang-orang yang sukses ini selalu melihat potensi terbaik dalam diri semua manusia di sekitar mereka, dan mereka selalu memberikan yang terbaik pula yang mereka punya kepada dunia

10:39 | 0 comments | Read More

Fatin - Jalan Cinta - Ost. Ayat Ayat Cinta - Sherina, 19 April X Factor Indonesia

Orang-orang yang sukses hidup dengan lengkap. Mereka bahagia dan penuh rasa syukur dan cinta terhadap segala sesuatu dalam kehidupan mereka.

Mereka sudah menemukan tujuan hidup mereka dan menunaikan misi mereka di dunia ini dengan baik, sehingga dunia ini menjadi tempat yang lebih baik dari pada ketika mereka belum datang.

Dunia menjadi lebih baik karena orang-orang yang sukses ini selalu melihat potensi terbaik dalam diri semua manusia di sekitar mereka, dan mereka selalu memberikan yang terbaik pula yang mereka punya kepada dunia.

10:35 | 0 comments | Read More

TAK ADA YANG ABADI Fatin Shidqia Lubis - X Factor Indonesia

Orang-orang yang sukses hidup dengan lengkap. Mereka bahagia dan penuh rasa syukur dan cinta terhadap segala sesuatu dalam kehidupan mereka.

Mereka sudah menemukan tujuan hidup mereka dan menunaikan misi mereka di dunia ini dengan baik, sehingga dunia ini menjadi tempat yang lebih baik dari pada ketika mereka belum datang.

Dunia menjadi lebih baik karena orang-orang yang sukses ini selalu melihat potensi terbaik dalam diri semua manusia di sekitar mereka, dan mereka selalu memberikan yang terbaik pula yang mereka punya kepada dunia.

10:34 | 0 comments | Read More


Orang-orang yang sukses hidup dengan lengkap. Mereka bahagia dan penuh rasa syukur dan cinta terhadap segala sesuatu dalam kehidupan mereka.

Mereka sudah menemukan tujuan hidup mereka dan menunaikan misi mereka di dunia ini dengan baik, sehingga dunia ini menjadi tempat yang lebih baik dari pada ketika mereka belum datang.

Dunia menjadi lebih baik karena orang-orang yang sukses ini selalu melihat potensi terbaik dalam diri semua manusia di sekitar mereka, dan mereka selalu memberikan yang terbaik pula yang mereka punya kepada dunia.

10:32 | 0 comments | Read More

Fatin Shidqia Lubis Feat Afgan KATAKAN TIDAK Grand Final 17 Mei 2013

Orang-orang yang sukses hidup dengan lengkap. Mereka bahagia dan penuh rasa syukur dan cinta terhadap segala sesuatu dalam kehidupan mereka.

Mereka sudah menemukan tujuan hidup mereka dan menunaikan misi mereka di dunia ini dengan baik, sehingga dunia ini menjadi tempat yang lebih baik dari pada ketika mereka belum datang.

Dunia menjadi lebih baik karena orang-orang yang sukses ini selalu melihat potensi terbaik dalam diri semua manusia di sekitar mereka, dan mereka selalu memberikan yang terbaik pula yang mereka punya kepada dunia.

10:31 | 0 comments | Read More

UNGU Full Konser Tahun Baru 2013 "Gempita & Welcome"

Orang-orang yang sukses hidup dengan lengkap. Mereka bahagia dan penuh rasa syukur dan cinta terhadap segala sesuatu dalam kehidupan mereka.

Mereka sudah menemukan tujuan hidup mereka dan menunaikan misi mereka di dunia ini dengan baik, sehingga dunia ini menjadi tempat yang lebih baik dari pada ketika mereka belum datang.

Dunia menjadi lebih baik karena orang-orang yang sukses ini selalu melihat potensi terbaik dalam diri semua manusia di sekitar mereka, dan mereka selalu memberikan yang terbaik pula yang mereka punya kepada dunia.

10:29 | 0 comments | Read More

Ungu - Cinta Yang Lain @ Panasonic Gobel Award 2013 (Sabtu 30 Maret 2013)

Orang-orang yang sukses hidup dengan lengkap. Mereka bahagia dan penuh rasa syukur dan cinta terhadap segala sesuatu dalam kehidupan mereka.

Mereka sudah menemukan tujuan hidup mereka dan menunaikan misi mereka di dunia ini dengan baik, sehingga dunia ini menjadi tempat yang lebih baik dari pada ketika mereka belum datang.

Dunia menjadi lebih baik karena orang-orang yang sukses ini selalu melihat potensi terbaik dalam diri semua manusia di sekitar mereka, dan mereka selalu memberikan yang terbaik pula yang mereka punya kepada dunia.

10:28 | 0 comments | Read More

Optical illusion dance

Orang-orang yang sukses hidup dengan lengkap. Mereka bahagia dan penuh rasa syukur dan cinta terhadap segala sesuatu dalam kehidupan mereka.

Mereka sudah menemukan tujuan hidup mereka dan menunaikan misi mereka di dunia ini dengan baik, sehingga dunia ini menjadi tempat yang lebih baik dari pada ketika mereka belum datang.

Dunia menjadi lebih baik karena orang-orang yang sukses ini selalu melihat potensi terbaik dalam diri semua manusia di sekitar mereka, dan mereka selalu memberikan yang terbaik pula yang mereka punya kepada dunia.

10:26 | 0 comments | Read More

Evolution of Dance - By Judson Laipply

Orang-orang yang sukses hidup dengan lengkap. Mereka bahagia dan penuh rasa syukur dan cinta terhadap segala sesuatu dalam kehidupan mereka.

Mereka sudah menemukan tujuan hidup mereka dan menunaikan misi mereka di dunia ini dengan baik, sehingga dunia ini menjadi tempat yang lebih baik dari pada ketika mereka belum datang.

Dunia menjadi lebih baik karena orang-orang yang sukses ini selalu melihat potensi terbaik dalam diri semua manusia di sekitar mereka, dan mereka selalu memberikan yang terbaik pula yang mereka punya kepada dunia.

10:24 | 0 comments | Read More

Raden Kian Santang Putra Raja Sunda Padjadjaran

Written By Unknown on Wednesday, 5 June 2013 | 14:05

Sri Baduga Maharaja atau Prabu Siliwangi (Ananda George), Raja Pajajaran mempunyai dua orang permaisuri. Pertama adalah Kentring Manik Mayang Sunda, dan mempunyai putra bernama Surawisesa, kelak menjadi pewaris takhta Pajajaran. Kentring Manik ini merupakan adik dari Prabu Amuk Marugul, Raja Japura, di kawasan Pasundan bagian utara (pesisir).

Dan yang kedua bernama Nyai Subang Larang (Inne Azri). Nyai Subang Larang berasal dari keluarga Muslim. Ayahnya seorang syah bandar di Karawang, bernama Kiai Tapa. Sejak kecil Nyai Subang Larang belajar ilmu agama, atau nyantri di Pesantren Quro milik Syeh Hasanuddin.

Buah pernikahanannya dengan Nyai Subang Larang, Prabu Siliwangi mempunyai dua orang putra, dan satu orang putri yaitu Raden Walang Sungsang (Ahmad Ridho), atau dikenal dengan Pangeran Cakra Buana, lalu Nyi Mas Lara Santang (Rientammy) dan yang ketiga bernama Raden Kian Santang (Alwi Assegaf). Ketiga anak ini dibesarkan dalam pengajaran Islam sehingga tumbuh menjadi muslim dan muslimah yang taat. Sejak lahir Kian Santang sudah menampakkan keistimewaannya. Antara lain, sejak kecil dia sudah pintar membaca Al Qur’an, membaca kejadian yang akan datang, tahu apa yang ada di pikiran orang lain, suka menolong, dan lebih dekat dengan masyarakat miskin ketimbang kalangan istana. Namun, ada yang cemas dengan kelahiran Kian Santang, yaitu Nini Durga (Dwi Putrantiwi), tokoh aliran hitam. Tokoh ini sangat sakti, bisa menjelma jadi apa saja. Dia juga punya banyak pengikut yang sangat setia, rela melakukan apa saja yang diperintahkan Nini Durga.

Lahirnya Kian Santang sudah diramalkan oleh Nini Durga, bahwa anak itu kelak bakal menjadi penghalang sepak terjangnya. Wanita penyihir yang sakti ini lalu berusaha menyingkirkan Kian Santang dengan berbagai cara. Dengan kesaktiannya dia menjelma apa saja untuk bisa mendekati Kian Santang kecil. Tapi, usahanya selalu gagal karena Kian Santang sangat cerdik. Di samping bisa membaca pikiran orang, juga banyak akal. Sering kali ayah Kian Santang, Prabu Siliwangi muncul menolongnya juga dengan menyamar. Syeh Hasanuddin, kakek gurunya juga kadang-kadang muncul, mengajarkan mengaji atau ilmu-ilmu kesaktian lainnya.

14:05 | 0 comments | Read More

Petualangan Cinta Angling Dharma

Rasa penasaran akan kisah Prabu Angling Darma, yang konon meninggalkan beberapa peninggalan di Desa Parakan Kab. Temanggung, membuat saya mencoba mencari data di internet mengenai asal usul sang prabu.

14:02 | 0 comments | Read More

Pesan bung karno kepada rakyat indonesia

Berikan aku 1000 orang tua, niscaya akan kucabut semeru dari akarnya, berikan aku 1 pemuda, niscaya akan kuguncangkan dunia” . (Bung Karno)

“Tidak seorang pun yang menghitung-hitung: berapa untung yang kudapat nanti dari Republik ini, jikalau aku berjuang dan berkorban untuk mempertahankannya”. (Pidato HUT Proklamasi 1956 Bung Karno)

13:59 | 0 comments | Read More

Pidato Soekarno di Front Perampasan Irian Barat

Seiring berjalannya waktu, Soekarno dan Inggit kemudian menemukan cara yang lebih canggih untuk mengelabui Belanda. Medianya masih sama, telur. Namun, telur tersebut telah ditusuk-tusuk dengan jarum halus dan pesan lebih detail mengenai kabar buruk itu dapat dipahami Bung Karno. Satu tusukan di telur berarti semua kabar baik, dua tusukan artinya seorang teman ditangkap, dan tiga tusukan berarti ada penyergapan besar-besaran terhadap para aktivis pergerakan kemerdekaan.

13:54 | 0 comments | Read More

Pidato Bung Karno Kembali dari Keliling Dunia

Ir Soekarno dikenal sebagai Presiden pertama Republik Indonesia dan juga sebagai Pahlawan Proklamasi, Soekarno yang biasa dipanggil Bung Karno, lahir di Blitar, Jawa Timur, 6 Juni 1901 dan wafat pada tanggal 21 Juni 1970 di Jakarta. Saat ia lahir dinamakan Koesno Sosrodihardjo. Ayahnya bernama Raden Soekemi Sosrodihardjo dan ibunya Ida Ayu Nyoman Ra

13:44 | 0 comments | Read More

Ustad cilik pembahasan tentang cinta kepada Alloh

Barangsiapa yang mengakui tiga perkara tetapi tidak menyucikan diri dari tiga perkara yang lain maka dia adalah orang yang tertipu.

  1. Orang yang mengaku kemanisan berzikir kepada Allah, tetapi dia mencintai dunia.
  2. Orang yang mengaku cinta ikhlas di dalam beramal, tetapi dia inginmendapat sanjungan dari manusia.
  3. Orang yang mengaku cinta kepada Tuhan yang menciptakannya, tetapi tidak berani merendahkan dirinya.

Rasulullah S.A.W telah bersabda, “Akan datang waktunya umatku akan mencintai lima lupa kepada yang lima” :

  1. Mereka cinta kepada dunia. Tetapi mereka lupa kepada akhirat.
  2. Mereka cinta kepada harta benda. Tetapi mereka lupa kepada hisab.
  3. Mereka cinta kepada makhluk. Tetapi mereka lupa kepada al-Khaliq.
  4. Mereka cinta kepada dosa. Tetapi mereka lupa untuk bertaubat.
  5. Mereka cinta kepada gedung-gedung mewah. Tetapi mereka lupa kepada kubur.”

Semoga keimanan kita selalu terjaga dan Allah menyelamatkan kita sehingga kelak menjadi salah satu ahli surga yang abadi.

13:41 | 0 comments | Read More

Hamil Tua, Kate Middleton Terlihat Bersinar

Kate Middleton mematahkan anggapan bahwa kehamilan tuanya akan membuatnya berubah dan tak lagi bersinar seperti biasanya. Justru sebaliknya, Kate terlihat seperti menikmati bulan-bulan terakhir kehamilannya, dan penampilannya pun tetap cantik seperti biasa. Hanya sebulan lagi sebelum calon bayi ningrat ini lahir, Kate terlihat memukau saat mendampingi Pangeran William pada saat perayaan 60 tahun penobatan Ratu Inggris. Walau hamil besar, Kate tampil dengan wajah yang segar mengenakan gaun renda selutut warna peach dan krem.

Kate memilih gaun renda selutut berpotongan empire dengan aksen ikat pinggang, yang langsung menonjolkan perutnya.

Seperti biasa, Duchess of Cambridge ini tampil sempurna, Ia memadankannya dengan mantel model tunik dengan lengan 3/4 untuk menahan udara dingin.

Sebuah fascinator (hiasan kepala) warna senada melengkapi penampilannya yang cantik. Sepasang sepatu warnra nude koleksi label kenamaan Inggris LK Bennett , sepasang anting dan gelang berlian kian mempermanis penampilannya.

Ia terlihat selalu tersenyum ramah sambil berbicara dengan Pangeran William saat melangkahkan kaki memasuki Abbey, pasangan ini terlihat sangat bahagia. Mungkin karena ini adalah pertama kalinya mereka menghadiri acara publik di Abbey sejak hari pernikahan mereka dua tahun yang lalu.

Kate lalu bergabung bersama para undangan dan kerabatnya yakni Duke of Edinburgh, the Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall. Turut hadir bersama mereka adalah para sepupu yakni Putri Beatrice dan Eugenie, Puteri Zara Phillips dan Mike Tindall. (Foto: Rex)

02:07 | 0 comments | Read More

Tujuh Pahlawan Revolusi', Soekarno juga dilengserkan

Written By Unknown on Monday, 3 June 2013 | 02:38

MEMPROKLAMIRKAN negara adalah gampang! Tetapi menyusun, mempertahankan dan memiliki negara buat selama-lamanya, adalah sukar. Hanya rakyat yang ulet, yang tidak bosanan, tabah dan jantan dapat bernegara kekal dan abadi. Siapa ingin memiliki mutiara, harus ulet menahan napas dan berani terjun menyelami samudera yang sedalam-dalamnya. (Amanat Presiden Soekarno pada Ulang Tahun Proklamasi Kemerdekaan Indonesia, 17 Agustus 1946 di Yogyakarta, ''Sekali Merdeka Tetap Merdeka!'').

''Pemberian gelar Pahlawan Nasional untuk Ir. Soekarno dan Drs. Mohammad Hatta, Rabu (7/11) lalu, membuatku tertarik menggebur kumpulan pidato Presiden I Republik Indonesia itu, khususnya saat pemerintah mengungsi ke Yogyakarta. Di awal pidatonya, Soekarno yang lebih akrab dipanggil Bung Karno masih sulit membayangkan nasib negara yang diproklamasikannya bersama Hatta. Namun, proklamasi diyakininya sebagai seruan 'berhenti' buat penjajah untuk menindas rakyat Indonesia selama ratusan tahun dan mengeruk kekayaan pertiwi ini. Dia paham kalau penjajah yang sedang keenakan menikmati hasil jajahannya, sulit mengerti keinginan kaum terjajah untuk merdeka, meski jutaan jiwa telah melayang. Tetapi asal persatuan nasional dan kesadaran berbangsa serta bernegara tetap bersarang di dada seluruh rakyat Indonesia, Bung Karno yakin republik tidak akan tenggelam, tetap kekal dan abadi,'' ulas Rubag.

''Ya, pantas saja Bung Karno agak bingung, sebab saat proklamasi didengungkan, kolonialisme dan imperialisme sedang dalam zaman keemasan. Banyak negeri jajahan yang berusaha merdeka hanya berusia seumur jagung, karena bekas penjajah dan para sekutunya berusaha dengan berbagai cara untuk merobohkannya. Contohnya, republik ini kan? Setelah proklamasi kemerdekaan, South East Asia Command (SEAC) di bawah pimpinan Lord Mountbatten, menugaskan Allied Forces Netherlands East Indies (AFNEI) yang dipimpin Jenderal Inggris, Sir Philip Christison, ke Jakarta, 29 September 1945. Dalihnya melucuti senjata serdadu Jepang. Namun sebenarnya, pihak Sekutu tidak mengakui keberadaan RI, kecuali Hindia Belanda, sehingga dalam AFNEI mendompleng pula pasukan Netherlands Indies Civil Administration alias NICA. Demikian pula di Surabaya mendarat pasukan AFNEI di bawah Brigjen Mallaby yang juga didomplengi NICA, 25 Oktober 1945,'' tambah Jayadi.

''Arek-arek Surabaya yang tahu muslihat Belanda, minta agar AFNEI yang membonceng NICA, menghubungi pihak republik sebagai tuan rumah. Karena tidak dihiraukan, maka meletuslah pertempuran awal antara pasukan Inggris dan rakyat Surabaya, 27-29 Oktober 1945. Mallaby hanya sempat menginjak tanah Surabaya selama enam hari, sebab pada 31 Oktober dia terbunuh. Mayjen. Mansergh, panglima tentara pendudukan Sekutu untuk Jawa Timur memberi ultimatum agar sebelum 10 November, semua masyarakat menyerahkan senjatanya ke pos-pos Inggris dengan mengangkat kedua tangan.

Bila tidak diindahkan, maka Inggris dengan kekuatan darat, laut, dan udaranya akan menggempur Kota Surabaya. Ultimatum yang merendahkan martabat itu, bukan menciutkan nyali masyarakat, justru membakar semangat arek-arek Surabaya. Pertempuran tak seimbang dari sudut persenjataan membuat Surabaya banjir darah. Ketahanan, semangat, dan keberanian rakyat Surabaya untuk mempertahankan kemerdekaan sungguh mengagumkan, sehingga 10 November dinyatakan sebagai Hari Pahlawan. Pertempuran hebat ini pula membuka mata dunia, khususnya serdadu Sekutu bahwa Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia itu benar-benar ada atau eksis, sedangkan Negara Hindia Belanda sudah kedaluwarsa!'' komentar Ardita.

''Benar, dulu para pejuang berperang mengusir penjajah, tidak memikirkan suku, agama, ras, dan golongan, kendati jiwa sebagai taruhannya! Mereka merasa sebangsa, setanah-air, senasib dan sepenanggungan, sama-sama bertekad melenyapkan kolonialisme dan imperialisme dari persada ini. I Gusti Ngurah Rai, pemimpin pasukan Ciung Wanara, sebelum melakukan Puputan Margarana, 20 November 1946, mengirim surat pada Overste (Letkol) Termeullen, pimpinan NICA di Bali. Sebenarnya, itu surat jawaban atas surat ajakan untuk berdamai dan berkompromi, yang secara tegas ditolaknya. Bali, tulis Ngurah Rai, bukan tempat kompromi atau berdamai, karena hal itu urusan pemerintah pusat di Jawa. Kalau Belanda masih bercokol di Bali, lanjutnya, membuat ketenteraman masyarakat Bali terancam, maka Ngurah Rai siap menjadikan Bali sebagai belanga pertumpahan darah. Pernyataannya itu dibuktikan dengan puputan atau perang sampai titik darah penghabisan di kawasan kebun jagung Margarana, Tabanan, di mana Ngurah Rai bersama puluhan anak buahnya gugur sebagai kusuma bangsa,'' tutur Purwacita.

''Bila saja pengorbanan jiwa, harta serta tetesan air mata dalam merebut dan mempertahankan kemerdekaan dipahami seluruh generasi sekarang, tentu gontok-gontokkan dan saling cabik antarsesama anak bangsa seperti terjadi belakangan ini, tidak akan terjadi. Memang upaya untuk menggagalkan kemerdekaan RI sudah dimulai sejak pendaratan NICA mendompleng pasukan AFNEI itu. Kemudian pusat pemerintahan Indonesia diungsikan ke Yogyakarta dan itu pun diserang dua kali aksi polisional Belanda. Setelah upaya diplomasi lewat Persetujuan Linggarjati dan Renville gagal, Konferensi Meja Bundar yang berlangsung di Den Haag selama dua bulan tahun 1949, berhasil memaksa Belanda mengembalikan kedaulatan pada NKRI, karena gagasan Republik Indonesia Serikat dari van Mook gagal. Setelah itu pada tahun 1950-an kembali terjadi pemberontakan bersenjata nyaris di seluruh wilayah Indonesia akibat provokasi dan campur tangan anasir-anasir asing,'' papar Rimanta.

''Ya, kalau membaca 'Subversi sebagai politik luar negeri' tulisan Audrey R. Kahin dan George Mc T. Kahin, juga karya Paul F. Gardner berjudul '50 Tahun Amerika Serikat - Indonesia', peran Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) sejak pemerintahan Eisenhower sangat jelas dipaparkan. Military Intelligency (MI) 6 dari Inggris ikut di belakangnya. Indonesia dijadikan rebutan dalam Perang Dingin antara Blok Barat di bawah Amerika Serikat dan Blok Timur di bawah Uni Soviet. Komitet Gosudarstvenoi Bezopasnosti disingkat KGB, agen rahasia Soviet juga aktif bermain. Puncak dari permainan itu adalah meletusnya pemberontakan G-30-S 1965 yang dikaitkan dengan Partai Komunis Indonesia (PKI). Peter Dale Scott dalam buku 'CIA dan Penggulingan Soekarno' menyebut G-30-S tersebut sebagai kudeta yang sengaja dirancang gagal. Akibat dari peristiwa yang menewaskan enam jenderal dan satu perwira menengah Angkatan Darat, yang kemudian diberi gelar 'Tujuh Pahlawan Revolusi', Soekarno juga dilengserkan karena menolak membubarkan PKI. Suar Suroso menulis 'Bung Karno Korban Perang Dingin','' imbuh Westa.

''Persis! Setelah Perang Dingin usai dengan rontoknya Tembok Berlin 1989 dan bubarnya Uni Soviet tahun 1991, rencana besar untuk membawa seluruh bangsa dan negara ke bawah satu atap dalam tatanan dunia baru agaknya sedang diupayakan. Resistensi terhadap skenario dan desain akbar itu dihadapi dengan hegemoni budaya lewat teknologi sibernetika, terutama internet dan televisi. Masyarakat didoktrin soal gaya hidup, dijadikan masyarakat hiburan dan kerumunan. Terkadang sambil berjingkrak menari dalam konser, karena saling senggol lalu terlibat tawuran massal. Suporter sepak bola juga saling lempar dan baku pentung hingga ke jalan, meski mereka berasal dari satu wilayah seperti Persita dan Persikota. Bentrokan horizontal antara desa, dusun, dan kecamatan dengan berbagai sebab kian marak terjadi akhir-akhir ini. Agaknya Bung Karno di akhirat tidak begitu bergembira menerima gelar Pahlawan Nasional, karena melihat kondisi bangsa yang pernah diproklamasikan kemerdekaannya, seperti lupa sejarah. Persatuan nasional dan kesadaran berbangsa serta bernegara rupanya telah raib dari dada sebagian warga bangsa ini. Mudah-mudahan dugaanku salah!'' kata Karsana
02:38 | 2 comments | Read More

Padded Envelopes Can Provide Your Mail With the Protection They Require

We all have a wide range of items and products that we sent through the post, whether to loved ones or customers, and we all have a wide range of packaging to ensure that they are secure and safe when being delivered to the recipient. There are now a wide range of high quality envelopes that have been created to purposefully provide protection to those pieces of content that need it the most.

Padded envelopes have been created using high quality, strong materials that are able to provide people with the amount of protection they desire for their contents. Sending items through the post is an easy way to send them all throughout the world, but often, we do not prepare the contents for the journey and they can often become damaged or harmed when they are in the post. Padded envelopes are now available in wide range of colours and sizes.

As padded envelopes have become much more popular many companies have created extensive ranges to ensure that all individuals and businesses can find the ideal ones for their needs and requirements. There are vast amounts of colours available to ensure that you have the perfect finish to your mail. With the wide amount of colours available you will be able to ensure that you can find the ideal ones to represent your business, or products.

There are also a wide range of sizes available, as there are many types of contents, to ensure that you can have the perfect surrounding and packaging for your items and products. Ranging from small envelopes, which are ideal for jewellery, letters etc, whilst the larger envelopes are more suitable for larger items such as brochures, documents and clothing, you can ensure that you. We all want to ensure that our mail is received in the same condition as why we sent it, so why not purchase your own padded envelopes today and provide yourself with peace of mind that they will safe and secure when in the post.

Padded envelopes are great for both business and personal uses as they provide many different types of content with the protection they require. Many businesses are now opting to use padded envelopes as their main style to ensure the contents have the safety they require. Whether you are small shop who makes jewellery or homemade greetings cards, or a large corporate company who sells much larger items, padded envelopes could be the perfect solution to your needs.

For individuals looking to provide wedding gifts, birthday presents or other items that have to be sent through the post, with the protection and safety you desire, purchasing padded envelopes would be ideal for you. As they are available in a wide range of sizes, colours and designs you are able to ensure that you find the ideal ones for your needs and requirements.

There are also many other types of protection envelopes such as: tear resistant, jiffy envelopes, mail lite padded envelopes and much more. These, all, can ensure that your contents are presented with a safe and secure environment and also with the extra protection they require.

If you are looking to provide your mail with high quality protection, safety and security look no further than Madison Commercial Ltd, they have many ranges of envelopes on offer to ensure that all individuals and businesses find the ideal envelopes for all of their needs and requirements.

They ensure that all of their envelopes are only of the highest quality and can provide you with a high quality service. They have many years of experience in the industry and have created extensive ranges of envelopes in various colours, sizes and designs, all, at which are available at a low, competitive price
02:35 | 0 comments | Read More

The Montessori Approach to Education

Developed by Italian educator and doctor Maria Montessori, the Montessori model of education is based on respect for a child's natural psychological development. It's estimated that there are more than 20,000 Montessori schools worldwide, with students ranging from infant age to eighteen years of age. A Montessori education emphasizes a child's social development as much as his or her academic development, and it aims to help a child build independence and practical skills within a supportive framework which respects each student's individual growth rates. Students are looked at as whole individuals: the physical and the emotional are as important as their cognitive development.
Montessori schools for infants and toddlers have the primary focus of providing opportunities for children to develop motor skills, independence, and a love of learning. Teachers engage students with materials that are size and age-appropriate. The Montessori approach at this age also aims to develop toileting skills. Parents often participate with their youngsters in "parent-tot" classes at which the parent can help guide their child through a variety of age-appropriate activities.

As children grow into the preschool and kindergarten years (ages two and a half to six), the Montessori model engages them in activities which help them develop independence in a variety of practical pursuits. Mixed age classrooms allow children to help and learn from one another. Teachers provide manipulatives such as spoons and cups which help students develop confidence and practical skills. Students move freely and are often given the choice to engage in the activity which interests them most, allowing them to build a sense of freedom and personal empowerment. A focus on the development of the senses is also evident in a Montessori preschool classroom, as is engagement in art, music and language activities. Students' differences are respected and celebrated.

As students approach the elementary and middle school years (ages six to twelve), the Montessori curriculum is integrated to emphasize connections across all subject areas. Language, history, science, math, and the arts are all studied in hands-on, interconnected, project-oriented ways. Students learn through hands-on experiences and are actively engaged in investigation and research; they are not vessels to be "filled" with information. Students direct their own explorations, further emphasizing the development of their independence. Students also take learning outside of the classroom (sometimes referred to "going out" in Montessori) to engage in real-world investigations which build on what they learn in the classroom environment. The result is a confident, independent learner who is ready to succeed in high school and beyond.

Research on the Montessori model has shown that graduates of Montessori schools are prepared well for later life in an academic sense as well as socially and emotionally. Graduates score well on standardized tests and often receive above average rankings on criteria such as attentive listening, showing responsibility, and critical thinking. They are able to adapt to new situations and show a love and enthusiasm for learning.
02:35 | 0 comments | Read More

Effect of globalization on culture indonesia

Globalization is a special phenomenon in human civilization that moves on the global community and is part of the global human process. The presence of information technology and communication technology accelerated the process of globalization is accelerating. Globalization touches all the important aspects of life. Globalization creates new challenges and issues that must be addressed, solved in an attempt harness globalization for the benefit of life.

Globalization has many interpretations from different perspectives. Some people interpret globalization as a process of downsizing the world or make the world as befits a small village. Some others say that globalization is the unification efforts of the world community in terms of lifestyle, orientation, and culture. In the development of globalization causes many problems in the field of culture, for example, the loss of the original culture of a region or a country, the erosion of cultural values, declining sense of nationalism and patriotism, loss of familial nature and mutual assistance, loss of confidence, and westernized lifestyle westerlies.

Besides today's society is experiencing a severe invasion of pornography in the form of tabloid products, magazines, books in print, television, radio, and is primarily free circulation VCD. Both are coming from abroad or produced themselves. Although media pernografi not new to Indonesia, but never in a wide scale now. Even some foreigners think Indonesia as "heaven pornography" because it's very easy to get the products and the price is cheap pornography. And another example for example, we take a walk in the mall or in public places is very easy to meet Indonesian women dressed in skimpy and spit genitalia. Where the culture is so contrary to the norms that exist in Indonesia. Not to mention the rampant life of free sex among teenagers today. Evidenced by the cast porn video is people of Indonesia.

Here the government is expected to be active not indifferent to see the development of Indonesian society. Appeal and if necessary prohibit many people lunge yabg behaved improperly. For example, when President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono suggested that television did not celebrate premises rocking erotic navel or belly look. It turned out quite felt the impact, which is not a lot of television show scantily clad artist

From the description and explanation above, it can be concluded that the impact of globalization in fact very influential on the attitudes and culture of Indonesia globalizing world where the phenomenon must be addressed with wisdom and positive thinking because of globalization and modernization is necessary and beneficial to progress. But we should not be careless and complacent, because the era of openness and freedom that also have negative effects that will damage the nation's culture. Resisting globalization is not the right choice, because that means hinder the progress of science and technology. It must be intelligence in the filtering effects of globalization. Access the advancement of information technology and communications can be used as conservationists and developers lokal.Jati cultural values ​​embedded themselves in the region should continue to Indonesian public spirit, and must continue, increasing religious values.
02:34 | 0 comments | Read More

The Theory of Evolution began with Charles Darwin and his book

The Theory of Evolution began with Charles Darwin and his book, Origin of Species. Interestingly, he did not conclude that evolution began billions of years ago in a chance combination of just the right chemicals. He simply observed that many species were similar enough that they appeared to come from a common ancestor. Despite its "evolution" into what it is today, it has become the default scientific explanation of the origin of life.

To understand evolution, one must understand the difference between the origin of life and the tiny changes that we do see happen and are clearly happening. The origin of life is thought to have taken place billions of years ago when the earth was rather young and was bathed in water and a plethora of simple molecules that included carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, iron, chlorine, etc. In other words, the ingredients of life. It is believed that with the aid of energy from the sun, these chemicals combined in various combinations and every once in a while, or maybe just once, the one in a million chance (so to speak) would cause a combination that could be classified as primitive life giving molecules. Eventually these combined to make more complex molecules until they formed into what would be considered a very simple cell of come sort.

Now of course it is thought that even basic molecules were very uncommon, and the more complex they became the lesser and lesser chance they had of forming, but that the one in a billion billion billion billion, etc. ended up as a cell. Of course this took place over millions of years, it is not supposed to have happened in a short time. However, for some random reason, a tiny fraction, or perhaps even just one of these few primitive cells, through pure chance, happened to have the ability to divide, which it began doing. Soon there were lots of these cells and as they filled the ocean, natural selection began to take effect and most of them died off, but every once in a while, one would have a mutation that allowed it to adapt a little better and therefore reproduce.
It is this natural selection that we see every day. We know for example that wolves were the original ancestors of dogs. This is an example of evolution, just evolution that humans forced. Every once in a while, a wolf was a little tamer than normal and then bred to produce offspring that were also tame. Over many generations, they became what we call dogs today. There are also clear similarities between animals in different places because their environments demanded slightly different survival properties.

These distinctions are important because no one is positing that species can't change over time, but many deny that life could have come from a pool of non-living molecules purely by chance. So when you say that you don't buy into evolution, you don't usually mean that minor attributes of species cannot change over time, you mean that you don't think life originated with a pool of slime. Not understanding the difference can make it seem that you do not know what is evolution
02:33 | 0 comments | Read More

History of the Internet and the proliferation of the Internet

Beginning in 1957, through the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), the United States committed to developing an integrated communications network that connects the scientific community and military purposes. It is against the backdrop of the cold war between the United States and the Soviet Union (in 1957 the Soviets launched sputnik).

The first major development of the Internet is the most important invention of packet switching that ARPA in 1960. Packet switching is sending a message that can be broken down into smaller packages, each package can be through a variety of alternative lines broken when one of the main track to achieve its intended purpose. Packet switching also allows the network can be used simultaneously to do a lot of connections, unlike the telephone lines that require dedicated lines to connect. So when the ARPANET became a national computer network in the United States in 1969, packet switching is used thoroughly as replacing circuit switching communication methods used in public telephone.

The development of the Internet both recorded in the history of the Internet is the development of a network layer protocol known as the most widely used today is TCP / IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol). A protocol is a set of rules for dealing . This protocol was developed by Robert Kahn and Vinton Cerf in 1974. With the standard protocol and widely agreed upon, then the local network scattered in different places can be interconnected to form a giant network even now reach the entire world. Network using internet protocol is what is often referred to as the Internet.

ARPANET became bigger since then and began to be managed by the private sector in 1984, it joined a growing number of universities and commercial enterprises began to enter. TCP / IP to an agreed common protocols that can communicate on the internet is.

The third major development is the establishment of Internet applications on the World Wide Web in 1990 by Tim Berners-Lee. Applications World Wide Web (WWW) has become a highly anticipated item of all Internet users. WWW makes all users can share a variety of applications and content, as well as linking together scattered material on the internet. Since then the growth of Internet users skyrocketing. Influence the development of the Internet ...
The Internet has made a new revolution in the world of computers and the world of communications that are not unprecedented. Some findings telegraph, telephone, radio, and computers is a series of scientific work that led towards the creation of the Internet in a more integrated and more capable than those tools. Internet has the ability to broadcast to the world, has a mechanism for information dissemination, and a medium for collaboration and interaction between individuals and their computers without being limited by geography.

The Internet is the most successful example of business investment that can never stop, and commitment to research following the development of the information technology infrastructure. Beginning with a study packet switching (packet switching), government, industry and the academic community have collaborated effort to change and create this exciting new technology. Developments intenet history can be divided into four aspects, namely

The existence of technological evolution that began aspects of the research packet switching (packet switching) ARPANET (the following technology equipment), which at that time carried out further research to develop insights into the data communications infrastructure that includes multiple dimensions such as scale, performannce / reliability, and high-level kefungsian.
The existence of aspects of the implementation and management of a global and complex infrastructure.

There is the social aspect that is produced in a large community consisting of Internauts working together to create and develop this technology continues.
There is a commercial aspect resulting in an extreme but effective change from a study that resulted in the formation of a large infrastructure and useful information. Internet is now a global information infrastructure (widespread information infrastructure), which was originally called "the National (or Global or Galactic) Information Infrastructure" in the United States. Its history is very complex and includes many aspects such as technology, organization, and community. And the effect is not only on the field of computer communication techniques but also affects the social problems as of now we do is we use a lot of these tools on line to achieve
an electronic business (electronic commerce), ownership information and interact with the community.

History of the Internet and the proliferation of the Internet
The history of the intenet began in 1969 when the Department of Defense, the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) decided to conduct research on how to connect a computer to form an organic network. This research program known as the ARPANET. In 1970, already more than 10 computers were successfully connected to each other so that they can communicate with each other and form a network....

In 1972, Roy Tomlinson managed to complete the e-mail that he was created a year ago for the ARPANET. E-mail program is so easy that instantly became popular. In the same year, was also introduced as an icon @ important symbol that shows the "at" or "on". In 1973, ARPANET computer network were developed outside the United States.

Computer University College in London, was the first computer that is outside the United States who are members of Arpanet network. In the same year, two computer experts that Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn presented a bigger idea, which became the forerunner of the Internet thinking. This idea was presented for the first time at the University of Sussex.

Historic day following the date of March 26, 1976, when the Queen of England managed to send an e-mail from the Royal Signals and Radar Establishment at Malvern. A year later, more than 100 computers on the ARPANET joined to form a network or network. In 1979, Tom Truscott, Jim Ellis, and Steve Bellovin, created the first newsgroups called USENET. In 1981 France Telecom created a buzz by launching the first television telephone, where people can call each other while dealing with the video link.
Because the computers that make up the network increasingly, it needed a formal protocol that is recognized by all networks. In 1982 established the Transmission Control Protocol or TCP and Internet Protocol or IP that we know it all. Meanwhile in Europe appear counter computer network known as Eunet, which provides computer network services in the countries of the Netherlands, England, Denmark and Sweden. Eunet network providing e-mail and USENET newsgroups.
For a uniform address existing computer network, then in 1984 introduced the domain name system, which we are now familiar with DNS or Domain Name System. Computers connected to the already existing network of more than 1000 computers more. In 1987 the number of computers connected to the network soared 10-fold 10,000 more.

In 1988, Jarko Oikarinen of Finland discovered and simultaneously introduce the IRC or Internet Relay Chat. A year later, the number of interconnected computers soared 10-fold return in a year. No fewer than 100,000 computers are now forming a network. 1990 is the year of the most historic, when Tim Berners Lee to find a program editor and a browser that can roam from one computer to another computer, which form a network. The program is called www, or Worl Wide Web.
In 1992, the computers that are connected to form the network has exceeded a million computers, and in the same year the term surfing the internet. In 1994, the website has grown to 3000 pages address, and for the first time in a virtual-shopping or e-retail surfaced on the internet. The world changed. In the same year, Yahoo! was founded, which is also well-born Netscape Navigator 1.0.

What is the Internet? Let us try to describe understanding of the Internet.

The Internet is a global network of computers world, large and very vast which each computer are connected to each other from country to country around the world and contains a variety of information, ranging from text, images, audio, video, and more.
02:33 | 0 comments | Read More

How to care for laptop batteries so durable and long lasting

Good morning, okay this time I will share tips on how to care for laptop batteries to be durable and long lasting. Hopefully my tips will be useful for you all. Go see the tips below:For those of you who have a laptop or a netbook might be wondering how to care for your laptop or netbook batteries that are not easily damaged or durable. Many people who have problems that may be easier on the battery is depleted or unusable. Many factors cause such circumstances occur, for example the lack of care and may also overheat causing termperatur lapotp or netbook battery so quickly exhausted even broken.

Previously I would peel a little bit about the current battery is widely used by laptop or netbook. Types of batteries commonly used today are lithium-ion batteries may have a lot we find anyway to electronic equipment such as mobile phone battery. Unlike NiCd type batteries, Lithium-ion batteries are more durable and environmentally friendly when compared to NiCd batteries are known toxic.

For those of you who may have some problems such as the above the following are some tips or ways that you can apply for your laptop or notebook batteries be durable and long lasting:

1. If the battery is new or first time try to use the contents / normal battery charge and full.

2. Avoid overcharging could make the battery does not last long when used.

3. Charge the battery regularly and order without having to wait until the battery runs out

4. Always keep the battery temperature to prevent overheating

5. Try using coolpad for air circulation remains smooth

6. Avoid using old and if possible remove the battery when using more than 6 hours

7. When not in use keep the battery in a cool place

8. Use software helpers for the performance of laptop battery or your notebook, such as the Battery Care, HP Battery Checker, Baterry Optimizer, etc.
02:32 | 0 comments | Read More

The impact of the internet for remaja2 Presentation Transcript

1. Internet (Interconnected Networks) is a computer network that connects computers to each other around the world where there is a lot of information in it. Internet provides many positive impacts with information in them, but on the other hand the internet also has a negative impact because of information found on the Internet is difficult to be limited, a variety of information in different forms and mixed into a single destination where to access them just need to enter some keyword only.

2. The computer is one of the highly sophisticated electronic media. In the program there is a computer with internet. Because the Internet is a computer program can be operated. In fact almost everyone is using computers as a means of operating the internet program. Internet is also no less sophisticated as the ingredients themselves. Lately it internet that more developed. Millions of people use the internet for a variety of needs, from personal, organizational, up for official use, as judged this internet more practical. In our beloved country have started many schools who use the Internet as an important tool in the learning activities. With the increasing number of internet users especially in the use of word wide web and e mail, they are increasingly integrated with sophisticated programs. For them the internet be part of his life, as they get along with their clothes.

3. If used correctly, the Internet can provide great benefits. The Internet provides a sea of ​​information in the form of books, journals, articles and other writing, as well as video, the collection exceeds any conventional library. The number of Internet users in Indonesia based on data / adplanner per May 2010 has reached 38 million people. For in Asia, Indonesia in the top 5 most Internet users along with China, Japan, India and South Korea. Users of social networking services Facebook in Indonesia also shows a high concentration, which recorded more than 26 million users. The agency services according to site, a number of sites that provide services to share information and collaborate experiencing a rapid increase in visitors from Indonesia. Call in addition to Facebook, there's Blogspot service (, WordPress, YouTube, Twitter and Multiply all of which are in the top 20 most visited sites of Indonesia. Even some of them had already entrenched in the top 5 as blogspot and Facebook.

4. Apart from the impact of the Internet, the Internet is a new communications technology that allows users to obtain information. Nowadays internet usage rapidly increasing, the majority of people in the world have been using this internet sophistication for various needs, ranging from the personal, organizational, to the office, because the use of the Internet is considered more practical and efficient. Influence of the Internet is huge. To the extent that has affected people's lifestyles. Today almost no one escape the influence of the internet, and even now the government was also utilizes sophisticated Internet to convey information to the public, such as information about the city, to promote tourism, e-ID cards, etc.. The world of education is one field that utilizes the Internet for the purpose of improving the quality of an educational institution. Education is the holder of an important role in the progress of a nation, for the world of education is to print the next generation. Internet can be said to be a virtual library that stores a variety of science in it. Internet can be used as an alternative source of knowledge.

5. In the use of the internet, the young ranked first. Internet has become part of their lifestyle. Almost every youth activity is influenced by the Internet, ranging from the use of social networking to their education.

6. 1. As a medium that can help them find the information to complete school assignments. The Internet provides information that can be used as a reference for the tasks of school.2. As an alternative source of knowledge. Various science from science to the public until there is a formal education in internet.3. As a means of light entertainment through movies, games, music etc.. to simply remove the saturation of the task, subjects in school.

7. 4. Looking for new friends or just communicating with friends through social networks, like facebook, tweeter, blogs, etc.. Social networks can also be used by students to discuss long distance to complete the task of school.5. Looking for information about the new things that are popular or teens like, K-POP, suffle dance, basketball, etc.. It can make teens to channel their talents in the field of non-akademis.6. Looking for information about their idol. Information they can motivate them to learn. Without such an idol may live aimlessly for teenagers, they need someone who can make them motivated to be useful for the generation of the nation, because the teenager is still in the development phase.

8. 7. Teens become more creative. Internet can be one means to channel their creativity, such as writing fiction and in post on a blog, etc.8. They are not clueless about computers (technology illiterate). They can keep up with the times and technology are almost entirely using internet. 9. Internet as a means of learning the business. Not a few teenagers who currently use the internet as a means of doing business, such as buying and selling online, creation and management of websites that provide a reference for the assignment of students, etc.. And there are many more benefits of the Internet for adolescents, because the Internet is a technology that provides information without limitation, the benefits are also comparable.

9. Internet is a technological product. A product would provide negative and positive impacts. Or positif negative impact can be felt by everyone, including students. Positive or negative impact of the Internet for students of course result from the way that Internet use the Internet as a media liaison self. using fast paced it is not easily separated from the our life . kinds of communication problems can be solved by the internet. Positive and negative impacts of the Internet for student certainly not present. Should have a positive impact to be greater, if that's true how to use the internet. Positive and negative effects for students its not absolute. Assessment lies in what is perceived as personal. However, in general it can be concluded about the harm or negative impact for Internet

10. NEGATIVE IMPACT: asocial most common negative effects experienced by students is the tendency to be more comfortable communicating through the internet rather than in person. He will feel a closeness with the object communication via the internet, rather than communicating directly. This will bring a sense of asocial that makes a student "self isolate". There is a positive impact of proximity students with the Internet, which can get to know the ins and outs of the Internet with a good, but ultimately will be detrimental if a student feel more comfortable dealing with inanimate objects rather than dealing with humans. Becomes less sharp sense of emotion and as a result is not sensitive to the environment.

11. NEGATIVE IMPACT: ANNOYING HEALTH internet negative impact for students are eye health, too much sitting and neurological disorders due to too frequent hand typing and clicking a mouse. Bodies work more on things that are repeated will cause negative impacts. Too often in front of the screen to connect to the internet causing organ fatigue and affect the function of these organs gradually. In addition there is the possibility of a crime which ease the impact of the internet. At first only the identity theft and the sale of counterfeit goods were intended to deceive and then spread to other crimes such as robbery motive. This can happen after the victim knows the address of the internet or social networking.

12. NEGATIVE IMPACT: PORNOGRAPHY There was closest to the internet and very negative, ie pornography. Pornography is a very vulnerable place on the internet. The resulting negative impact can be seen directly in the space that is not too long. For the teenager who is still unstable, they will consider the action he saw pornography via the internet is natural thing. That is the cause of many sexually misbehaving teens today, considering they get sex education from sources that are misleading.

13. Positive and negative impacts are always there, especially on the internet for students. This shows the imperfection of human work. As an internet user, and as a person educated, students should know about the negative and the positive impact that is expected to be a good pick for him. Armed with knowledge about the negative impact of the Internet to students, the students should be more wise in using the internet.
02:31 | 0 comments | Read More

Achieving the maximum potential life

Everyone longed for a better future; successful in your career,
household and social relations, but we often hit by various
constraints. And it was the biggest obstacle to ourselves.
Through his work, Joel Osteen challenges us to get out of the mindset that
narrow and begin to think in a new paradigm.

There are 7 steps that we achieve maximum potential life:

The first step is expanding horizons. You should see life
with the eyes of faith, look at yourself being bolted to a higher level.
You must have a clear mental picture of what you will achieve.
This picture should be a part of you, in your mind, in your conversation,
seep into your subconscious mind, in deeds and in each
aspects of life.

Step two is to develop a healthy self image. That means you have to
underlying picture yourself on what God says about you.
Achieving the goal of your success depends on how you look
yourself and how you feel about yourself. Because it will determine
level of confidence in the act. The fact that you will not be
never shot higher than what you think about yourself

Step three is to discover the power behind your thoughts and words.
The main target is the mind of an enemy attack. He knew if he
managed to control and manipulate what you think, then he
be managed to control and manipulate the entire life.
Thoughts determine the behavior, attitude and self-image. Mind set goals.
The Bible warns us to always keep our minds.

The fourth step is the release of the past, let it go ...
You may have lost everything that no one should experience
in this life. If you want to live in victory, you can not use
trauma of the past as an excuse for making bad choices today.
You must have the courage not to make the past as a reason for your bad attitude
during this time, or justify your actions to not forgive someone.

Step five is to find strength in the worst circumstances even
We have to be: "I may have dropped a few times in my life, but
but I will continue to stay down there. "We all face
challenges in life. We all have experienced things that come
attack us. We may be imposed from the outside, but the key to life
victory is to learn how to rise again from the inside.

Step six is to give with joy. One of the biggest challenges
we face is the temptation to live selfish.
For we know that God does want the best for us,
He wants us to prosper, enjoy the grace and more that He is in store for us,
but sometimes we forget and get caught up in selfish behavior.
Indeed, we will experience more joy than I ever imagined
if we want to share life with others.

Step seven is to choose to be happy today. You do not have to wait
until all your personality resolved. You do not have to put off happiness
until you reach all of your target. God wants you to be happy any condition,
02:29 | 0 comments | Read More

50 Keys to Success In Life Living in the World

Success stems from mental. You may be poor, but if you believe you can succeed, then that is what you will achieve. And vice versa, if one is born rich, but do not have the mental successful, soon it could lose one's shirt.

No matter what the profession you work now, whether low-ranking employees or bosses though, you can succeed with its 50 successful habits. However, remember also that the measure of success is not money, but the mental satisfaction itself.

Look for and find opportunities where others while others failed to find it.
Successful people see the problem as an instructional material rather than mere difficulties.
Focus on solutions rather than dwelling on problems.
Creating their own path to success and innovation of existing ideas.
Successful people can feel fear, but they then controlled and overcome.
They ask the right questions, so that confirms the quality of mind and positive emotional.
They rarely complain.
They do not blame others, but to take responsibility for their actions
They always find a way to develop their potential and use it effectively.
They are busy, productive and proactive, not go alone.
They want to fit in with nature and other people's thinking.
They have the ambition or the spirit.
Know exactly what you want.
They are innovative and not plagiarism.
They do not put off what is there.
They have a principle that life is a never-ending learning process.
They do not consider themselves perfect so willing to learn from others.
They are doing what they should be, not what they want to do.
They are willing to take risks, but not reckless.
They face and solve the problem immediately.
They do not wait for luck, or chance. They have invented.
They acted even before the ordered / requested.
They are able to control their emotions and be professional.
They are communicators.
They have a plan and try to make it a reality.
They become outstanding as they vote for it.
They succeeded through hard times which usually makes others give up.
They know what is important to them and do the best they can.
They have balance. They know that money is only a tool, not everything.
They understand well the importance of discipline and self-control.
They feel safe because they know they are valuable.
They are also generous and kind.
They are willing to admit mistakes and do not hesitate to apologize.
They are willing to adapt to change.
They maintain the body's health and performance.
They are diligent.
They are open and receptive to input from others.
They were still happy when faced ups and downs of life.
They do not hang out with the wrong people / damage.
They do not waste time and emotional energy on something that is beyond their control.
They are comfortable working in a place there.
They set high standards for themselves.
They do not question why they failed but learned from it all.
They know how to relax, enjoy what is, and be able to have fun in the carelessness though.
Their career is not who they are, it's just a job.
They are more interested in what works rather than on what is easy.
They finish what they started.
They realize that they are not just a mere mortal, but spiritual beings.
They do on what they say.

So, if there are some habits that have become a part of your life right now?! If there is, develop it, and add your chances of success by doing another. Remember, success is not owned by those who never fail, but to the people who never give up!!
02:28 | 0 comments | Read More

Tim Investigasi MUI Masuk Kamar Pribadi Eyang Subur

KAPANLAGI.COM - Annas Al Aidid, SH, mengungkapkan bahwa tim investigasi Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) telah memeriksa Eyang Subur. Pemeriksaan tersebut bahkan sampai menyambangi kamar pribadi Eyang.

"MUI masuk ke tempat yang dicurigai, dilakukan terbuka dan kamar pribadi Eyang dan bertemu istri-istri Eyang," ujarnya ketika dijumpai di kediaman Eyang di Jalan Beringin III, Duri Kepa, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat, Kamis (18/4) malam.

Annas menambahkan kedatangan tim investigasi MUI ke rumah Eyang sekaligus memperjelas bantahan Eyang soal tudingan aliran sesat yang diarahkan kepada Eyang.

"Investigasi di kediaman Eyang Subur ini sekaligus klarifikasi dan bantahan. Sampai detik ini MUI belum mengeluarkan apapun soal fatwa soal sesat yang dilakukan Eyang Subur. Sekaligus membantah isu Eyang dalam aliran sesat," jelas Annas.

Sementara itu kuasa hukum Eyang Subur, Ramdan Alamsyah, SH, menyatakan bahwa MUI juga telah menanyakan riwayat hidup kliennya. Eyang pun telah melakukan sumpah secara Islam di akhir pemeriksaan.

"Tadi tim dari MUI juga menanyakan kronologi riwayat hidup Eyang, di penutup Eyang sudah bersumpah atas nama Islam. Intinya, apa yang dikatakan Eyang benar dan apa yang dikatakan Adi tidak benar. Yang mengatakan Eyang Subur menganut aliran sesat itu tidak benar," tegas Ramdan.

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